Cast Stone Co
Stone Furniture Indoor/outdoor furniture with a stone or polished granite finish. Completely weatherproof and so light two people can pick up and move a medium sized couch. Perfect for living room, atrium, patio, garden or poolside
Cast Stone
online database (online
database of cast stone, precast concrete and limestone products) |
Polished granite chair
Design your own furniture Imagine designing your own furniture with a stone finish, lightweight but with the look and feel of real stone. Send or E-Mail your photograph or drawing of a piece of furniture or object you would like to have reproduced just for you. We can quote any shape or size bed headboard, patio set, bench, wall mural, table, you name it!
Granite oval chair
What is stone furniture made of ? Recent technological developments have made it possible to mix crushed stone or granite with a cementiscious bonder, resulting in a extremely strong, lightweight, non combustible, authentic stone or granite surface. Available in a wide range of colors and textures and factory sealed to prevent staining. Guaranteed weatherproof, strong, beautiful, different.
Dolphin wall mural 6'-0" wide (6KB GIF)
Pricing Pricing varies according to size, difficulty, finish, color, weight and shipping cost. These pieces are not cast from a mold, they are hand made and ground, then sanded and either polished or left stone smooth. Each is different. Go ahead, pick up a pencil and sketch your chair or object, then fax or E-Mail the sketch to us for a price quote. Remember to include both front and side view with dimensions and amount of pieces required.
Round fossilized
Limestone chair (14KB GIF)
Phone: (805) 386-8185 Fax: (805) 386-3002